A couple of years ago, my family and I were vacationing in Orlando Florida, only to have our nice vacation interrupted because of Hurricane Irma. The Governor of Florida did a great job keeping the residents of Florida informed about when and where to take shelter. Then we got the word to evacuate or go to a storm shelter.
Jesus is our shelter and strong tower during the storms of life, the righteous run in to it (the tower) and are safe. He is also our refuge in times of trouble (Ps. 91:1, 2; Pro. 18:10). How do you spell relief? I spell it, “J. E. S. U. S”! Jesus is the best relief shelter there is. He’s our peace in the midst of the storm!
Be strong in faith and know this: As long as Jesus is on board, your life, your ship cannot sink; you will make it to the other side (Pro. 14:26; 24:10; Lk. 8:22 – 25; Jn. 16:33). “Are you ready and prepared for the GREAT EVACUATION” (rapture)? Because the destruction that is coming to our world, will make Hurricane Irma look like nothing (Matt. 24:21; I Thess. 4:13 – 18; 5:1 – 3; II Thess. 2:1 – 17).